
Sunday, June 2, 2019

Castles in the Sky

Castles in the Sky

By May Kwek

I should like to lie in a garden
And look up at the sky
Where the clouds would freely roam
And the gentle birds would fly

I would watch the changing colours
The varying shades of blue
And when the sunset comes
The reds and yellows too

The sun would shine his radiant rays
In bursts of angelic light
The sky would seem a paradise
Singing in glows dreamlike

And I shall watch and I shall see
The clouds and time roll by
And while watching spent a while
Building castles in the sky

Copyright © 2019 by May Kwek

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Winds of Memory

Winds of Memory

By May Kwek

The wind sings with memory
And I remember each time and place
When I closed my eyes in appreciation
As it blessed me with its grace

For as it whipped through my changing hair
And sang into my ear
That old song that has never ceased
Throughout the changing years

I saw walks alone in gardens
Or amidst bustling crowds
I saw peaceful times at home
Or times by streets loud

I lived as a child again
As carefree as the sky
I lived as a youth once more
Growing wings to fly

And the wind brought back these times
With a smile upon my face
And though I stood and moved not
I breathed in many a time and place

Copyright © 2019 by May Kwek

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

What God is

What God is

By May Kwek

People tell me in times of trouble
To trust in God above
That he would give me what I want
With kindness and with love

Well forgive me my skepticism
For I’ve read too many tales
To believe God will do as I want
And that he always will

Abraham was promised a son
He had to wait so many years
Jacob, his claim to his birthright
But only after much pain and tears

Everyone would bow to Joseph
But first he bowed as a slave
Moses was to lead a nation
But narrowly escaped the grave

Job was to lose everything
And then regain it all
Ruth would be the mother of Kings
But lose her husband and more

David was anointed King
But ended up running for his life
And if that wasn’t enough
He actually did it twice

Elijah was the prophet
Who would never know death
But in life was alone
Without friends and bereft

So don’t say because my prayers aren’t answered
That it means I’m alone
Is the God who gives me all I ask
The only God I’ve known?

Paul was executed
And Peter too
Mary was shamed
Would you say God left them too?

For I know he never left
In trials he was by their side
And you know God is never wrong
Somehow this must be right

So don’t tell me God will do as I want
For the years have taught me this
I will not trust in what God does
I will trust in what God is

Copyright © 2019 by May Kwek

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

A careful view

A careful view

By May Kwek

The sunset slants into the halls
Turning gold the exquisite walls
Illuminating the gentle arches
As nearby sway the tree’s branches

By a table, two people rest
Drinks in hand, dressed to impress
A book lies carelessly on the table
Unintentionally, to them label

The scions of society, the best of the best
Rich, relaxed, and with no stress
Able to enjoy with ample leisure
The evening and the sunset’s pleasures

I saw them as I hurried along
Moving to the pace of a working man’s gong
And in brief folly wanted to be
Exactly as they seemed to be

But then I turned to the view
They seemed to enjoy in their purview
And saw a road and common stacks
A certain charm it certainly lacked

But perhaps it was aptly placed
To remind these people of their place
Standing on high with nothing they lack
Supported by many an aching back

Copyright © 2019 by May Kwek

Friday, February 22, 2019



By May Kwek

To each one’s fortunes it is given
A little of hell, a little of heaven
That their choice they might decide
And choose as their wills might

But it’s a choice shrouded in mists
Bad roads to mountains, good roads to cliffs
What seems good ends up a waste
And the good has a bitter taste

The hours pass and life runs down
While the choices run round and round
Yet time is the only way to see
What each choice was really meant to be

Perhaps that’s why the young aren’t wise
With too much time to blind their eyes
While the aged though their years are spent
Each choice’s true nature comprehend

So now young I to my fortune am given
A little of hell, a little of heaven
But how to choose what’s bitter but right?
I guess I’ll borrowed aged wisdom’s sight

Copyright © 2019 by May Kwek

Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Fallen Meadow

The Fallen Meadow

By May Kwek

They were off to war! The merry men
At long last, to bring an end
To their enemy, that hated race
And return home in song and praise

By day they crossed long mountain roads
Their nights were filled with glory and hope
For they were a brave and noble power
And this, now, was their hour

Then they came across a blooming meadow
And their forms cast a dreadful shadow
On the blooms; pure, bright and fine
That in the sun, did glow and shine

They paused, for it was in their way
They could not go, they could not stay
Beyond was their dreams of glory
But before them was a living story

For a long time, they stood and looked
Till, at last, the General spoke
“Onward men! For the greater good!”
And the blossoms were trampled underfoot

They went, they won, they returned in praise
Many toasts in their name were raised
But the meadow they trampled in their power
Never again bloomed a single flower

Copyright © 2019 by May Kwek

Monday, January 7, 2019

A Million Cranes

A Million Cranes

By May Kwek

Fold me a million cranes
A thousand is not enough
To get by in this crazy world
So unpredictable and rough

For it winds and it bends
In shadows and in mists
Nothing clear, nothing certain
But that it exists

So yes fold me a thousand cranes
And then a thousand times more
For with so many living wings
I’m sure no one could fall

For their wings could bear up a dream
And spark a perennial hope
And with stubborn dreams despite anguish
And with faith we can cope

And find a way to go on
Despite the trials of life
The dark moments, the silence
The conflicts and the strife

So yes fold me a million cranes
And give them wings to fly
Up to the heavens to shine as stars
Against the world’s night sky

And there let them fly forever
Yes, forever and a day
Until our faith is strong enough
To bring us the rest of the way

Copyright © 2019 by May Kwek